zondag, september 8, 2024

Terms and conditions

INKJUNX – DirtyHippos B.V.

  1. In the general terms and conditions, the terms used have the following meanings unless otherwise agreed in writing.
  2. The private limited company DirtyHippos hereinafter referred to as: “DH”, with its registered office at Lammerdries-winkelstraat 14a, 2250 Olen, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number: 0695953323, as direct and indirect (co-)organiser of exhibitions, conferences and/or events, and (Legal entities) and their authorised representatives who may assist in organising exhibitions, conferences and/or events (hereinafter referred to as “events”).
  3. Participants: natural or legal persons who register via the registration form and/or sign a participation agreement with the VWS Directorate.
  4. Event accommodation: the location/building provided by DH where the entire event will take place.

Section 1: Definitions

In the general terms and conditions, the terms used have the following meanings unless otherwise agreed in writing.

  1. The private limited company DirtyHippos hereinafter referred to as: “DH”, with registered office at Lammerdries-winkelstraat 14a, 2250 Olen, registered with the Chamber of Commerce under registration number: 0695953323, as direct and indirect (co-)organiser of trade fairs and/or events, and (Legal entities) and their authorised representatives who may participate in the organisation of trade fairs, conferences and/or events (hereinafter referred to as “events”).
  2. General Terms and Conditions: the present General Terms and Conditions, which form a complete part, shall apply to all contracts of participation, as well as to subsequent performances, as well as to the purchase of additional services and/or products between DH and DH Participants with regard to space of stand construction and furnishing of stand and all derived products and (facility) services and/or other items purchased from DH. Adjustments to the general terms and conditions are only possible if expressly confirmed in writing by DH. Any general terms and conditions from the participant are expressly excluded.
  3. Registrant: any natural person who has registered by means of an application form as a participant in the event, regardless of whether such registration has been or will be accepted by DH.
  4. Participant: any natural person who registers via the participation form and/or signs an agreement of registration with DH.
  5. Event: a fair, events, exhibition and/or any other event in respect of which the participation agreement has been concluded.
  6. Event accommodation/location: The location provided by DH where the entire event will take place.
  7. Quotation: A written quotation from DH for a specific stand. DH is in its full right to withdraw the offer at any time without certain reasons, as long as no participation agreement has been concluded with the participant.
  8. Registration form: the form/document, both online and offline by which the participant intends to participate in the event and declares that he/she understands everything and agrees to respect and apply these general terms and conditions. DH has the right to reject a participant’s registration based on several factors, namely lack of space or possibly without giving reasons.
  9. Confirmation of participation: upon registration of a participant, DH will review each participant and upon approval by DH, participant will receive a written confirmation of participation from DH.
  10. Participation agreement: the agreement between the parties DH and the participant that is created by the participant’s signature or by the sending of a participation confirmation by DH on the basis of the registration form completed by the participant to DH.
  11. Participation costs: the total costs payable by the participant to DH for participation in the event, including, inter alia, the resulting costs of the stand space, possibly if applicable the stand construction and/or stand furnishing, advertising and all other related costs in short, all costs associated with the services purchased from DH.
  12. Stand space: the area expressed in square metres with which the participant will participate in the event, event accommodation, the location of which DH will be determined. The amount will be applied according to the preset packages.
  13. Stand equipment: facilities and/or services ordered by the participant, whether or not they were actually used example tables, chairs, cloth, …

Section 2: Registration

  1. Before taking part in an event, a registration must be made. Enrolment is by means of a designated enrolment form (online/offline) or through a participation agreement provided by DH.
  2. The registrant gives his correct details to DH when signing the registration form, signed by authorised participant.
  3. Possible incorrect or signature of unauthorised persons is a risk by proposed agreement between both parties and is the responsibility of participant/registrant and does not give any reason not to fulfil payment obligations.
  4. All delivered data belonging to the participants will be recorded by DH in records reserved for this purpose. By registering, the registrant gives DH permission to use and store the information.
  5. By registering, the registrant gives DH permission to use and store the information. Official confirmation will be communicated by mail or letter via the email address or address provided.
  6. Registrations that cannot be confirmed due to lack of space will be given the option to be placed on a waiting list.
  7. DH has the right to reject upon registration of participant without valid reason e.g. bankruptcy, …
  8. DH will rectify and return any (advance) payments to non-participating participant in case of rejection of participant.
  9. Respecting the deadline for registration has been established and clearly stated to participants. If deadline of registration is exceeded, DH will determine whether the registration was submitted on time and confirm or not.
  10. In no case will the participant be able to substantiate the allegation of oral agreement.
  11. Under no circumstances can the participant validate his registration by transferring to a third party. The participant is entitled to participate in the event only after registration/participation agreement.
  12. In case the participant is acquired by a third party after registering for the event, either through any form of acquisition, the concluded agreement with DH will remain in force, unless DH does not give its consent.
  13. The participant declares to be aware of all the consequences of the registration arising from the signing of the registration form. Possible incorrect or signature of unauthorised persons is a risk by proposed agreement between both parties and is the responsibility of participant/registrant and does not give any reason not to fulfil payment obligations.

Section 3: Participation agreement

  1. The participation agreement contains that DH will make a certain stand space available to the participant, provided the participant has fulfilled the full payment obligations prior to the event. These include all invoices related to the event.
  2. These general terms and conditions form an integral part of the participation agreement.
  3. If the participation agreement is concluded for the use of multiple stand spaces, what is stipulated in these certain general terms and conditions shall apply to both each individual stand space and multiple stand spaces.
  4. After submitting registration form or participation agreement, it is not possible for participant to make adjustments on their own initiative. These are determined as not valid. Adjustments should be submitted in writing to DH.
  5. The participant is fully responsible and liable for the fulfilment of all obligations resulting from entering into the participation agreement.
  6. If, after signing, it is clear that the participant is not authorised to sign, the participant cannot invoke the annulment of the participation agreement and the person will be held personally responsible and liable for payment obligations stated in the participation agreement.
  7. When leaving the booth as a participant, an employee must be present with decision-making rights. Elke beslissing, aankoop van artikelen, bestelling, enz. van de aangewezen werknemer valt volledig onder de verantwoordelijkheid van de deelnemer en kan in geen geval ongedaan worden gemaakt. Any decision, purchase of items, orders, etc. of the appointed employee is entirely the responsibility of participant and cannot be overturned under any circumstances.

Section 4: Dates, times and event accommodation

  1. DH determines the period, dates and location where the event will take place, as well as the times for construction and dismantling of the event.
  2. DH may change the concept, listed dates and location of the event due to unforeseen and special circumstances in case of no other option. In this case, it is not possible for the participant to claim damages and/or compensation.
  3. Amendments above section 4.2. shall in no sense entitle the participant/registrant to cancel all or part of their registration.
  4. DH has the right to move the event, as a result of a ban on organisation imposed by the authorities due to an epidemic or pandemic, subject to the following modalities:
  • The new event will take place within eight months of the originally scheduled date;
  • In this case, as a result of the cancellation of the EXHIBITION on the scheduled dates, the ORGANISER shall owe the following fee to DH:

Section 5: Classification

  1. During the agreed period, the participant of the event is entitled to the use of the stand space as stipulated by DH in the participation agreement.
  2. DH is in a position to review and reposition the layout of the fair before the start of the event, which may alter certain predefined booth spaces. If a rearrangement will take place, DH all that fits into the possibilities will offer the participant a similar area (m²)of stand space area.
  1. In the event that DH cannot offer the participant comparable stand space in area (m²) after repositioning or after changing stand space, the participant has the right to cancel the participation agreement. Cancellation must be done by registered letter within 14 working days of changes in reclassification standings. If DH has not received the registered letter within 14 days, there is no possibility of cancellation in any case.

Section 6: Payment

  1. Payment of all fees, both participation and other charges, must be made within the predetermined due date stated on invoice. Amounts invoiced within 2 weeks before the start of the event must be paid on the day the invoice is received.
  2. Once the participation agreement is concluded between DH and participant, DH is in a position to invoice. The final invoice may be preceded by an advance invoice.
  3. The participant is at all times liable for all costs payable to DH that are in any way related to the participation agreement, regardless of whether these costs have been incurred by the participant or by third parties, persons acting on behalf of the participant.
  4. In case of transmission of incorrect data e.g. wrong billing address, the participant remains liable for payment of all costs related to the participation agreement.
  5. Failure to make timely payments of the amount due to DH shall result in the statutory (commercial) interest being charged from the time the claim is contractually due. Collection costs shall be borne by the participant; the extrajudicial collection costs are set at a flat rate of 15% of the principal sum.
  6. In case of non-execution of participation fees or other amount due to DH for the construction of the event, DH is entitled to prohibit the participant from entering/constructing the event. Also, the participant must pay the full amount of participation and other agreed costs without the participant being able to claim compensation, costs and/or damages in any sense.

Section 7: Cancellation and dissolution

  1. A registration and/or participation agreement with resulting performance, as on the purchase of additional services and/or products between DH and the participant related to the stand space(s), stand construction and stand furnishing and all resulting products and services and/or items of DH, cannot be unilaterally withdrawn or modified by the registrant/participant, regardless of whether it has already been accepted by DH.
  2. If a registrant/participant wishes to cancel or change the existing registration/participation, it is expected to submit with written registered letter to DH. DH may grant a request for cancellation or modification of the registration/participation, as mentioned above under the condition that the following cancellation/modification fee is paid by the registrant/participant in any case:In the event that the participant applies for suspension of payment or bankruptcy after the conclusion of the registration/participation agreement, the participation agreement may be terminated by DH by the mere occurrence of the aforementioned application and the participant shall remain liable for the full participation fee, as well as other costs incurred, without prejudice to DH’s right to claim costs, damages and interest.

  • In case of cancellation from 200 days to 62 days before the first day of the event build-up: 100% of the total participation fee;
  • In case of cancellation from 62 days to 31 days before the first day of the event build-up: 150% of the total participation fee;
  • In case of cancellation from 31 days to 14 days before the first day of the event build-up: 200% of the total participation fee;
  • In case of cancellation up to and including 14 days before the first day of construction of the event: 250% of the total participation fee.
  1. In the event that the participant applies for suspension of payment or bankruptcy after the conclusion of the registration/participation agreement, the participation agreement may be terminated by DH by the mere occurrence of the aforementioned application and the participant shall remain liable for the full participation fee, as well as other costs incurred, without prejudice to DH’s right to claim costs, damages and interest.
  2. In the event that DH has valid reasons after participation agreement that participant may cause serious damage to DH, the event, other participants or other parties then DH has the right at any time to terminate the participation agreement by registered letter with immediate effect. The participant shall owe the full participation fee to DH, without prejudice to DH’s right to claim costs, damages and interest.
  3. In the event that DH agrees to the written cancellation of the registrant/participant then there is no possibility of any right that the registrant/participant holds over booth and fixtures, … Once the cancellation is final and confirmed, the participant cannot go back on his decision.
  4. If the participant/registrant notifies DH in writing of cancellation of participation, DH will initiate the relevant procedure. DH may send a final written registered confirmation to the registrant/participant after receiving the cancellation from the registrant/participant.
  5. After the final written registered confirmation, the registrant/participant no longer has any rights regarding participation of the event, unless the registrant/participant notifies in writing within 7 calendar days after the written registered confirmation that he still wishes to continue participating in the event in accordance with the participation agreement.
  6. DH will confirm the written communication made by the registrant/participant to avoid any miscommunication. Any communications later than the 7 calendar days following the written registered confirmation will not be processed by DH and the cancellation will be final and the participant will not be able to participate in the event under any circumstances.
  7. Cancellation or modification under this article may in no case give rise to DH reimbursing the participant for any costs incurred or damage suffered.

Section 8: Use of stand construction and stand equipment

  1. The participant is obliged to construct, furnish and dismantle his stand space during the predetermined days and hours indicated by DH.
  2. Before the start of the event on a predetermined date decided by DH, all plans, designs and/or models for the stand area(s) must be submitted to DH for approval. After DH’s approval, stand construction and/or stand design may begin. DH reserves the right to refuse its approval at any time, without giving reasons if necessary.
  3. For stand construction and stand design, DH is entitled to issue deviating regulations.
  4. On the exhibition plan that will be drawn up, DH will indicate the stand space(s) made available by means of a certain indication that is clear to all parties. The participant is not in a position to have the mark removed, moved or altered.
  5. If the stand construction and/or stand furnishing of the participant’s stand space is not completed on time i.e. before the end of the construction period, DH is entitled to take the necessary measures they deem necessary herein at the participant’s expense and risk.
  6. During the event, the participant is not entitled to exhibit/sell any products in the stand(s) other than the products/services mentioned in the participation agreement.
  7. The participant is not allowed to give all or part of the stand space(s) in use to third parties or to use the stand space(s) (or have it used) for a purpose other than that specified in the participation agreement.
  8. The participant is not allowed to cause nuisance in the sense of causing damage and/or nuisance in the form of noise nuisance, obstruction of passages, obstruction of light or view, or nuisance in any other form, further at DH’s discretion and decision.
  9. The participant is obliged to respect the end of dismantling at predetermined time and to leave the stand space in its original state. If this is not complied with then DH is entitled to remove or destroy or not destroy the stand construction/stand equipment at the participant’s expense. DH can never be held liable for this. Any damage to items belonging to DH and/or to the event accommodation will be at the participant’s expense and risk.
  10. The participant is obliged to occupy the assigned pitch and be physically present from the start hour of event and for its entire duration. In the event of non-compliance with this obligation, the participant shall be liable to pay DH, without any prior notice, a lump-sum compensation of 20% of the amounts due and of the additional amounts.

Section 11: Use of data GDPR

  1. *Consult our GDPR guidelines here.


Guidelines book

  1. In good time and before the start of the event, the participant will receive a guidelines manual where useful information is listed as well as (facility) products that can be ordered. The guidelines and conditions stated herein are to be observed and followed by the participant at all times and form part of the predetermined terms and conditions.

Section 13: Catering

  1. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, catering during the event is exclusively reserved for the event accommodation, third parties engaged by the event accommodation.
  2. It is prohibited for the participant to sell or provide free of charge refreshments and/or stimulants, except after agreement with DH and the terms to be fulfilled by the event accommodation or third parties engaged by the event accommodation.

Section 14: Transport of material

  1. During the opening hours of the event, the participant or any other person is not allowed to take items on and/or off the premises.
  2. The participant is responsible and must take care of transporting the necessary items for participation in the event in time. DH does not accept any goods from the participant, nor is it liable for them in any way.
  3. Stockage transport not during exhibition

Article 15: Cleaning and disposal of waste

  1. The participant is responsible at all times for keeping his stand area clean, throughout the event, as well as after the event. De deelnemer is te allen tijde verantwoordelijk voor het schoonhouden van zijn standplaats, zowel tijdens als na het evenement.
  2. The participant is responsible for the waste and must respect these rules. Needles belong in designated waste bin. The rules are clearly stated in guidelines book.
  3. If waste is not removed and the cleaning rules are not complied with, DH is entitled to charge participant for the cost of removing and disposing of waste left behind by the participant after the event.

Section 16: Intellectual property rights

  1. DH retains all intellectual property rights and, unless expressly provided otherwise in the contract between the parties, they do not pass to the customer. The delivery of the goods or services in performance of the agreement never implies a transfer of intellectual property rights to the customer, unless the parties expressly agree in a written document to transfer them at an additional cost.
  2. All intellectual property rights relating to the goods, the results of the services and/or the creations developed and/or used for the performance of the contract, or resulting from it, are the exclusive property of DH or third parties.
  3. The customer is not allowed to change, remove or make unrecognisable any indication of intellectual property rights of DH or third parties.
  4. Customer shall not remove or alter any indications of DH or its suppliers regarding copyright, trademarks, trade names or other intellectual property rights.
  5. The customer is not allowed to distribute, multiply, reproduce, commercialise or make available to third parties the goods, the results of the services and/or the creations developed and/or used for the execution of the agreement in a way that violates the legal provisions on intellectual property rights.
  6. The customer is not allowed to hand over the products mentioned in the previous article to third parties without DH’s prior written consent. (This does not apply in case the customer wishes to obtain an expert opinion on DH’s performance of the work. In that case, the customer shall impose its obligations under this article on the third parties it engages, shall undertake to ensure that they comply with that obligation, and shall indemnify DH for any breach).
  7. The customer is expressly prohibited from reproducing, publishing or exploiting the products subject to DH’s intellectual property rights or products subject to intellectual property rights relating to the use of which DH has acquired user rights. This includes, for example (but not exclusively): computer programmes, system designs, working methods, advice, (model) contracts, reports, templates, macros and other mental products.
  8. DH is entitled to mention the delivered or conceptual products and services in advertising, mailings and to give them to third parties for reference.
  9. DH has the right, unless explicitly agreed otherwise, to sign the design and/or have his name mentioned in the colophon of a publication, website, announcement or title reel.

Section 17: Liability and risk

  1. It is always the participant’s responsibility to DH to comply with the provisions of these general terms and conditions, applicable specific terms and conditions and/or all other regulations.
  2. The participant is liable for all (indirect) direct damage suffered by DH due to the participant’s actions, including the participant’s failure to , not properly or timely comply with these general terms and conditions, applicable specific terms and conditions and/or other rules.
  3. For this, the participant indemnifies DH against any claim by a third party that his acts or omissions can be invoked against DH.
  4. Placing goods (including packaging) on the event site is at the expense and risk of the participant. Participants must take out adequate insurance to participate in the event and DH is not responsible for such insurance.
  5. Under no circumstances shall DH be liable for any damage/incident/injury during tattoo/ piercing placement by participant and/or employee of participant. Participant is liable for this and also holds BA/insurance for this.
  6. Participant is responsible for representing and using his product/service. Under no circumstances can DH be held liable for negative consequences of the use of service/product of participant, staff of participant, persons working for or on behalf of participant such as irritation, allergy and others.
  7. It is the participant’s responsibility to take out adequate insurance against all damages of any kind. Such damage may be caused by the actions or omissions of the participant himself, participant’s staff, persons working for or on behalf of the participant and holders of tickets issued to the participant or his visitors, or caused in any way by the participant’s goods, services and/or products.
  8. It is the participant’s responsibility to obtain the required licences/permits and permits for their participation and activities related to the event, and to comply with laws and regulations related to their activities.
  9. DH shall not be liable for any damage: indirect damage, loss of trade and damage caused by theft, destruction or any cause whatsoever, directly or indirectly by the participant, participating staff, persons working for or on behalf of the participant and persons who have received entry tickets by participant, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of DH.
  10. DH shall not be liable for any damages suffered directly or indirectly by the participant, the participant’s staff, persons working for or on behalf of the participant, and holders of tickets issued by the participant or their visitors. liability is accepted for failure to comply timely or correctly with these general terms and conditions and the provisions referred to therein.
  11. DH shall not be liable for any damages resulting from a failure to perform obligations arising from a contract between participant and third party in connection with the participation and provision of services.
  12. Under no circumstances will DH intervene in disputes between parties to which DH itself is not a party e.g. Disputes between participants and/or participant and client.

Section 18: Conversion provision and applicability of general terms and conditions

  1. If any provision of these general terms and conditions is found by a court to be wholly or partly unreasonably onerous, it shall be deemed to be converted into a provision which, as far as possible while retaining its content and scope, is not deemed to be unreasonably onerous.
  2. If any provision of these general terms and conditions is deemed unreasonably onerous by a court and paragraph 1 of this article does not apply, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of these general terms and conditions.
  3. If a participant applies its own general or specific terms and conditions, it may expressly state that these terms and conditions do not apply to DH. DH reserves the right to expressly reject general terms and conditions of the other party.
  4. DH is authorised to satisfy deviations from the general terms and conditions in writing with signature.
  5. DH reserves the right to amend these general terms and conditions at any time during the term of the Participation Agreement. Participants will be notified in writing of such changes. Revised Terms and Conditions supersede all previous Terms and Conditions, unless expressly stated otherwise by DH.
  6. Decision by DH if the General Conditions are not provided.

SECTION 19: Other regulations and deviations from the general terms and conditions

  1. DH reserves the right to issue additional safety rules/other regulations to possibly make the event run better. Event venues or governments also have the right to issue such regulations.
  2. Participants are obliged to strictly comply with the additional safety rules/other regulations and all regulations issued by the event venue.
  3. In case of contradictions between the initial general conditions and those additional regulations given by DH, from event venue or government, DH will determine which regulation prevails and this must be followed and respected by participant.

SECTION 20: Repair clause nullities

  1. Any agreement entered into between all parties shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law, unless otherwise provided by court order.
  2. If any provision of these general terms and conditions or of the underlying agreement should be wholly or partly void and/or not valid and/or not enforceable as a result of any statutory regulation, court ruling or otherwise, this shall have no effect whatsoever on the validity of all other provisions of these general terms and conditions or of the underlying agreement.
  3. If any provision in the order or part of the order cannot legally be invoked, the remaining part of the order shall remain in full force and effect, on the understanding that the provision in the part that cannot be invoked shall be deemed to have been adapted in such a way that an invocation thereof is possible, whereby the intention of the parties with regard to the original provision or part of the order shall be maintained as much as possible.

SECTION 21: Applicable law and jurisdiction

  1. Only Belgian law shall apply to all offers, orders, delivery of goods and performance of services of/by DH.
  2. All disputes belong to the jurisdiction of the courts of Antwerp – Antwerp Division.
  3. DH reserves the right to sue in the competent courts of the district where the customer is domiciled or has its registered office.